Welcome to the Marsing Elementary Media Center
Our Mission Statement:
To educate all students to lead productive, satisfying, and responsible lives, now and in the future!
In our media centers we strive to create a positive, success-oriented environment for all students. We aim to involve parents in their child’s educational process. We will encourage self-discipline, high expectations, and respect for others. Ultimately, we encourage students to be lifelong readers and learners in an ever-changing world.
You can visit marsing.follettdestiny.com or download the Destiny Discover app. The new system will allow students and parents to search for books in our libraries while at home-- on any device-- see the books they have checked out, and keep track of due dates!
Destiny Discover App Login Process
Mrs. Megan Astorquia
Elementary Media Specialist
Media Center Hours
Monday - Thursday
7:50 am - 3:25pm